That moment when the thing arcs ever skyward, continues beyond, enters the unattainable past it’s being as thing and as dream, and you realizing it’s lost, moment being memory of your death but still in as and as in of and as in being dogma inherent within performance and performance as plan and or of and by design as by anti-inherently non-inherent as is if coherence unveils capacity of being in and of within though non-being non-sequential arc of sky bound ordained oath, moment, realization being by suffering of pangs and of suffering by desire of ever landing sky as earth, as thing and as of thing without consequence as of thing thing thus glides lightly and by thus swivels though gratefully thing disappears deeper into cloud dust cyan vapor of expectation lost transubstantiates from quotidian miracle into movie you’ve already seen in moment in flesh of flesh of several flesh curating flesh of creation, as explanation, as grounding as anchor to one of many passing stills, as pressing the thing and you flat, as you and memory of you, as thing as they as moment as you.