People don't talk enough about the aftermath of abuse Reflecting on the last 6 years has taught me a lot about trauma How it can follow you for years How it can still show up in your dreams every now and then How it can change you into someone you don't even recognize
Even after therapy even after processing and healing and even after time it is so hard to have a healthy relationship with someone new
The triggers follow you even when you're convinced they don't exist anymore
For example, I remember throwing myself out of a moving vehicle 4 years after because my boyfriend and I were arguing after a night out drinking In that moment I was back with abusive ex the memory of him forcing me in his car drunk and not letting me leave even after hitting a parked car was so present in my brain it was like it was happening again except it wasn't not even close
Fast forward and 6 years later I am still learning how to effectively communicate with my current boyfriend
There's not a day that goes by where I am not utterly shocked at how an argument can just stay exactly argument It doesn't have to grow into something bigger something that causes people to say or do hurtful things something that takes days or even weeks to get over something that ends in heart break
I find myself bracing for impact with every disagreement something as simple as "I shouldn't have done/said that, I'm sorry" causes me to spiral something simple still causes me to experience a wave of anxiety anxiety I can't ignore or wish away but instead have to work through over and over again
To this day I am learning how to love again I experienced abuse at the age of 19 It's like my brain was hardwired wrong and now I need to spend years fixing it
To this day I am learning how to not crave toxicity my brain has confused love with abuse and comfort with boredom I find myself craving constant reassurance I find myself panicking when I should feel comfort I find myself mad at how I still feel these things
But the truth is I am too ******* myself What I experienced and what many other men and women experience IS HARD It's not something you can forget or pretend never happened I tried that and it just prolonged the inevitable
The truth is I have come such a long way I was changed in so many ways but I have also grown in just the same
I will continue to grow and heal I will continue to learn how to love again
I know I am on the right track I feel myself getting so close
I want a healthy relationship so badly One I can be proud of and seek comfort in One I can spend the rest of my life enjoying