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Sep 2013
he ignores you at lunch but he's at your locker after school and he offers you a ride home
when he's the only one who read your tweet he seems excited that he knows something special about you but he does not text you back
none of these are mixed signals because he doesn't care enough to think like that
but you read them like your favorite book, marking pages that are important because maybe there are clues,
foreshadowing of the love he hides deep in his heart but then he hugs her and he calls her because he's lonely
and you are by yourself again making too big of a deal out of friendship and trying to get over something you never had
you can't decide if he's an ******* or if it's you that's acting like one and maybe he's the nicest guy ever
you can't accept that some things don't work out because that would mean letting go
and you are afraid of what will happen when you stop holding on
Molly Rosen
Written by
Molly Rosen
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