shifty eyes watch me and your smile is the disguise that hides your true intentions that lie deep in those deceitful eyes
you notice the scars and your concern makes my heart rise but again i am reminded that the past is clouded with lies
your hand intertwined in mine and i gladly settled into your arms as you skipped pebbles
"let's just be friends" i said at the skating rink and you cheerfully agreed but when i skated past you the deceitful eyes made an appearance (the hatred burst from this seed)
hours to days and days to a month we crossed paths again on the train i cautiously took a seat next to you and your friends and you proudly planted a kiss on my left side brain
days later you return to your icy self and i ask myself again if i'm ready to take the plunge with you as my shaking thumb pressed send
"he only wants to take you" my friend says "please be careful" implies another "i don't think you should" his friend whispers "stay away from him" says my mother
but the mystery that is you keeps me coming back but you will never love me and that is a fact.
young love eats at the edges of my heart and leaves me incomplete