it is 5 am and I have done some- thing I have never done before
I have stayed up to 5 am
at 5 am you know what you really want you’ve had all this time to mull it over the answers run clear as a mountain river the meaning is like the nougat in the center of a candy bar
each bite now is tasty and rich
each thought each movement means so much more than it ever had before
I’ve stayed up late but never till 5 am when everything is crystal clear in a way that has no analogy
I am tired of my covers, of my pillows and my bed-spreads
I want a bed of nails, a cactus cushion, and a blanket of anger to keep me up through the nights
I am a man seeking a better life than this
at 5 am I know what this is
I want to act and be act upon
I want to love and be loved back
I want to hate and be hated
each tiny motion means so much more at 5 am
I know that nobody cares about my poetry I know that nobody cares how much sleep I get tonight I know that nobody cares about me I know that nobody cares about anything
it is 5 am and I can see the world clearly for the first time
the world is bleak and I seek to run from my warm bedroom and plunge into the jungle,