the boy in front of me asked if the mushroom lasagna was any good and the woman just shook her head no and said but the chicken was so I got the chicken even though I wanted the lasagna and it tasted like pink insulation with too much salt.
my friends and I recorded a song in a mobile studio last night and the crowd of people around us danced and smiled and sang along so we sang louder even though we knew we were bad and discovered that morning that the CD they gave us at the end was blank.
my teacher asked me a question that I didn't know the answer to and I turned to my neighbor and he whispered it in my ear so I repeated it even though my throat was clenching up and I choked back tears that I couldn't explain as I sunk farther into my seat.
my throat is dry just like that chicken and scratchy and sore and when I speak my voice is low and rough like a blues singer so I speak more often even though it burns and aches and relish in the sound for as long as I can.