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Jul 2022
This is why we can never do family outings.
What a mess in the first few minutes.
Gosh, don't they ever get tired of it?
Keep your face straight.
Don't let it get to you,
Just ignore,
Soon it will go away.

It's frightening to look in the mirror,
Behind dead eyes,
Sallow skin,
Unsmiling monotony pierces this person together.
Stretch and bend flattened lips,
Curving into a grimace.
Can't seem to properly laugh,
Frozen inside out to hide my shaking limbs.

(-------), I hate you.
Agh, don't call me by that name!
You are (-------), I am Caine!
Quit following me,
I won't ever look your way!

All I need to hear is you forget this sound.
Never utter it again,
It's revolting,
I want to be unbound.
Written by
Orpheus  18/Agender/Grand Junction
(18/Agender/Grand Junction)   
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