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Jul 2022
I always wondered if it was normal
To lie awake at 4 a.m.
Suddenly feeling the urge to create
To write a whole novel in one sitting
To paint a masterpiece
To write five poems at once
Even if it’s just creating memories
Packing your bags and going on an adventure
Or reading three books at once
Listening to every song you ever liked
Basically do anything to make you feel alive
Even if your eyes are aching for sleep
There’s so much to do and so much to be
To do anything but sleep
But because that isn’t possible
You want the sweetest dreams
Create a life in your head
But your mind is too busy
To create a land of hopes
It’s running around in circles with energy so high it almost hurts
And then you lie there
With open heart and open eyes
Hoping for the dreams to take you far away
And when they finally come
You don’t notice at all
Suddenly it’s the next morning
And that energy is gone
Replaced by drowning noises
A swimming head of “let me sleep
Don’t give me the next day
I wasn’t done with the last one”
Written by
Raika Parzella  28/F/Germany
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