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May 2022
Sickly sweet,
I pinch the honeysuckle,
******* all the bitter juices out.
From these all too loving flowers,
Bloom inundated, quivering brows.

Flinching from this tempting taste,
The poison's already set in,
Failing to break away,
Feet hooked in rapid, sinking quicksand.

"Let me out!"
I scream and shout,
But my cries seem to disappear with the wind.
In vain, I struggle,
Against my will,
I'm pulled deeper into this pit.

Never-ending night-time,
The swallows chitter at my woes.
The moon observes indifferently,
Cold light illuminating bones.
Written by
Orpheus  18/Agender/Grand Junction
(18/Agender/Grand Junction)   
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