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May 2022
I feel your hand,
Warmly glide through my chest.
It rips my heart out,
And shoves it down my throat,
Straight into my soul.
Now I can't seem to get away from your hold,
A burning pit of something horrifying,
It eats and tears apart sensibility,
Leaving hypersensitivity,
To you,
And everything you do.

Your care is blistering,
Shock resounds whenever you open your mouth.
"It matters to me"
In response to my gloom,
"Don't ever say sorry"
As reply to my fear.

You scare me so badly,
I forget why I'm there,
I hate giving in,
To other's emotional control.
Your greatest difference,
Is the actual presence of affection.
I cherish every moment,
Of attention you provide.

It's been a long time,
I still can't look you in the eyes,
Or raise my head much further from your beard.
When you appear,
A hummingbird possesses my heart,
Pressing fingers to my throat,
I feel the supercharged beating.
Otherwise dispassionate,
In front of you,
My composure disappears.
I feel like I'll never recover,
Love, this addictive monster,
A greedy, swirling brand, ignited upon my fingertips.
Filling my body with a humiliated scream,
I disintegrate into inky tears.
Written by
Orpheus  18/Agender/Grand Junction
(18/Agender/Grand Junction)   
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