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May 2022
I met another person today,
Her eyes were the same as mine.
She smelled of ***** and powdered snow.
She stumbled her way into my arms,
And ate away at my soul.
I bit and tore at her skin,
But she just wouldn't let me go.

You're a leech,
You're replusive.
Don't latch onto my family.
Find someone else to ruin,
But stay the hell away from me,

I'm scared, I'm afraid,
She looked me dead in the eyes,
Whispered in my ear,
That he was going to die.

Don't talk nonsense, shut your mouth,
You don't know what you're talking about.
He's a drunk, he's an addict,
Don't you hate him?
What's the matter?

You're a leech,
You're replusive,
Don't latch onto my family.
Why are you ruining yourself?
You're heading straight for a dead end.

Get away, get away,
I don't want to see you today.
I won't exchange my life for yours.
I'm fine without you,
I don't care anymore.

She's eaten through to my bare bones,
Licked them clean, and threw them to the floor.
The barren earth swallows them whole,
As dead an end as one could reach.
So replusive, such a leech.
Aren't you just the same as me?
Written by
Orpheus  18/Agender/Grand Junction
(18/Agender/Grand Junction)   
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