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Sep 2013
Am all alone
I can see them staring, but they never seem to see through
Can anyone hear me scream? Do you even hear me call?
Am on my knees
Is anyone there to lend a hand?
You think I got it all? You think I attained perfection?
What if I got it all? What if I never attained perfection?
Yeah! I am pretty
What if I wasn't?
Would you still look at me? Would you even look again?
What if I was poor?
Would you take trade places if you get the chance to, would you at all?
And if I was rich
Would you be the shade of my shadow or the light of my glamour?
Do you even love me or just my accomplishments?
My mind is troubled
Do you see the agony or just the painted smiles?
Do you read the doubts, do you even feel the emptiness in me?
Do you? Do you??
Would you want all of this or none of me?
What if it never works out, would you still hold me close?
And if it rains, would you hold my hand as I walk?

Honestly I seem not to know, even if I do, I don't no more
All these questions are walls I try to climb,
but am all alone and they are crumbling.
Dambo Ricky
Written by
Dambo Ricky  Port-harcourt
   Mayang Sari
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