I have quite a simple request, I believe I just seek the slightest of reassurance With the smallest amount of attention that could be given
I do not desire much Not temporally, not monetarily I simply wish for the bare minimum The very smallest amount I would be more than willing for it
I would take the smallest amount of attention A mere decimal of your precious time I wouldn't complain I wouldn't argue I wouldn't do anything beyond show gratitude....
It is clear that the bare minimum is simply too much to ask So why won't you just tell me this? Why do you promise "always" When the actions yield a "sometimes"
Why do you dream of mountains but stay on the molehills? Why do you act as though your world is coming to an end, when it has only just begun? Why do you hide away in your abode, cooped up with your electronic plaything The stupid, minuscule electric computers That are running our lives, and our communication skills into the ground
And why do you tell me to trust what cannot be trusted? Why do you forgo honesty; because you Wish not to hurt my feelings?
The disconnect hurts much more than any truth ever could