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May 2022
there is a storm brewing.
it is violent, i can feel it,
but God how do i stop it?
how do i trust the Prince of Peace when my life has been so rebellious?
how do i walk out into the storm when my legs can only take me as far as the edge of the boat.
You wait there, patiently for me,
while i tremble and i collapse under the weight of the storm.
where do i go?
how do i come to You again?
it's easy to be distracted by the storm around me, but harder to set my sights on You.
i dont have the ability to be calm anymore.
but You are the One who sees,
our Banner of hope and victory.
You are the overwhelming voice of comfort in my misery and pain, when i am caught up in the restless storms around me, you sing over me, like a Father who loves His child.
Your arms wrap around us like a blanket even when the storms surround us and the sky turns dark.
yes, somehow, even when the sky turns dark,
God, i can still see You.
Written by
𝐤𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚  21/F/by the streams
(21/F/by the streams)   
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