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Jul 2010
I go to a church that's broken.
   One that's cracked to the core
   and had its comeuppance.

It beaten, battered and knocked to the floor.
   Some said,  "We may as well close the doors."
   "All the good is gone--we'll never be as we were before."

But God is good.
   Peace and people are slowly coming back.
   But not the same folks as when we were on-track.

Lives mired and full of sin,
   most have given up on them.
   Bruised, broken and knocked about,
   the ones who are clearly on the outs.

Now that the strong ones are on the run,
   all pretensions here are done.
   I'm glad I attend this outcast place,
   full of cast-offs from the human race.
God's triage comes from this salt of the earth.
   Something's finally getting done.
   We're seeing rebirth.
Written by
David Lowry
     Chynna Summers and Frank Lambert
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