red robin out on the green patch behind WestCo three. I am a brother to nature, we love each others presence. pluck your head in the ground, looking for food. show off your beautiful orange belly, dirtied grey wings, while I listen to Polly through my AirPods. He stands just outside the trees’ shadows, right on its fingertips, half sun half moon. and hasn’t moved for 3 songs, and neither have I.
I feel like I have to keep writing while he is here, silent observers. A man walks through. He darts off into the branches. I’ve been up here on my perch, the balcony, he asks, “this is kind of embarrassing, but I’m homeless and I wonder if you’d have a dollar to spare,” I say, down, “sorry, I have no cash on me,” he flys away. How great to be on your perch, and not have to Stick your head back in the ground.