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Sep 2013
You are tiny

You are the fly that buzzes around the face
Of the Dalai Lama
You are the wind that touches the fire and makes it waver
But never puts it out
You are the single drop of rain
That threatens a beautiful summer day
You are the whisper of doubt in the back of everyones' head
Although you are a very tiny whisper

You are a screaming child who doesn't get his ice cream

You are the needy pet that begs for scraps
Even though they've been fed everyday

You are tiny

And I don't need to think about you anymore
People don't concern themselves with
So I shouldn't concern myself with you
And like the breeze and rain will pass with time,
So shall you pass too

And when that child grows up begging for more in life
Because that's all he knows
He will be put down and told to be quiet
Because nobody likes a whiny adult

So I will not think about you anymore
Because you are a raindrop
And I am a hurricane
Written by
Insomnimaniac  New York
(New York)   
   --- and Claire R
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