Inspire me for this night; let this hand of mine write; bringer of inspiring light; a sight of a future so bright;
melt me a puny frozen fire; let thy will be my desire; higher dreams we aspire; break all walls and barriers;
teach me the ways of the wise; let my mouth speak no lies; let this hands of mine take no life; let the world have no strife;
let me touch many hearts and lives; making a peaceful world be my drive; let the dead souls be alive; a paradise dream we could arrive;
let this humble simple art; touch a stranger's heart; who knows if this could be a start; a bright future we could impart;
many storms already come our way; still, we're here standing living this very day; our life span seems so short so brief; that death comes to our life like a thief;
so I write this before my time is up; thunder comes like a clap; days and nights of gloomy clouds; shattering lightning shaking grounds;
let it cease! let all storms be over; let everyone in this world be together; dreamer's, children of the future generation; words and dreams are reality like word incarnation;
if our minds and hearts are all one; nothing is impossible anything can be done; Almighty one to you I run and call; me a mortal tool so small;
use me as your instrument; shower thy wisdom of infinite; whatever is your master plan; let your mighty will be done;
help me to reach our dreams with zeal; in wavy storms make me still; when we fall make us rise; make this world once again a paradise;