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Jul 2010
I looked deep into nothingness, and I felt fear
The emptiness within me became vivid and clear
The cycles of deception brought shame and a tear
I thought her love would save me, but she isn't here.

And now I am left to reconcile my shame
I sacrificed virtue, seeking respect and fame
But respect is something I could never attain
Because the courage in me I'm unable to maintain.

I became so lost within my selfish revelries
I could not strike back and awaken bravery
There were no weapons left in the armorey
For cowardice had broken and devoured me.

I saw a ghost, in my prolonged absence
I realized I could not undo all the damage
And now I'm left, to search and to salvage
In pursuit of truth this whole earth I will scavenge.

I take heart in darkness and delirium
Though I am merely a slave to the imperium
A black hearted piece of bacterium
Though from my shame I will compose a requiem .

I looked into myself and saw a coward at heart
I held her love in my hands, and I ripped it apart
I realized that I was empty from the start
I thought that I'd find some measure of solace in Sartre.

I had forgotten the love for my comrades
Those I'd nearly lost in egotistical contests
One must escape from such cyclical mindsets
And awaken with honor when the red sun rises.

But from the brink of nothingness, I must return
Even it means I must light a torch and be burned
Strength is never given, it is something to be earned
For it is virtue itself that I must fight to discern.
Written by
Franswa Hackett
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