Punk kids, instead of having choreography or jumping up and down with hands in the air, Punk kids knock, bounce and rattle against each other like broken glass in a bag or pin ***** in the most complicated machine, I hate loud noise but I love loud music as long as I have my headphones Back and forth, headbanging until the noise from our heads comes out those ringing ears Nervous tics to music Stress made into a party Rocking out, rocking ourselves forward and back Just like I do when I'm overwhelmed Catching or reaching a hand to anyone who knocks themself down Loose limbs and heads slack Hands and feet across the crowd are literally twitching, It's a monster mash looking, skeleton disco. Some kids look possessed but they're okay with that No one's worst demons can get in because the venue's at full capacity, The window-watchers chase any evil spirits into the snow, Fear and worry leave for one set because they can't stand the racket, The rest of the day got lost in all the cables and pedals, I bounce against kids in chains and band t shirts, Hardly need to use my eyes, My shoes are covered in Doc Marten footprints and people shove me and I shove them right back and I don't need to say anything in the huge mess that is the mosh pit The room is full of people moving like zombies on a sugar high whose brains are being eaten by the music, For a while, we let that happen. When the final set ends My neck and feet are sore like the speakers and amps were a workout you can buy from Guitar Center, Headbanging is my favorite kind of cardio, And moshing is my favorite catharsis. The silence is everywhere as the punks exit the Scene. I hardly know any of these people by name. But we just performed one strange, scene kid dance For the night to watch When I go to bed my legs spasm I think because they are still dancing