there have been days i walked on the clouds every syllable falling from my lips a joyous prayer, hope from my toes to my fingertips. there have been days when the darkness inside of me threatened to manifest itself with demons whispering their twisted logic as sick as the manifest destiny. there have been days i picked at the threads binding my soul to yours wishing for a scissor to cut straight through them. there have been days that my only solace was a book a world a dream of my creation. there have been days that until exhausted my mind wouldn't couldn't stop running. there have been days where your hands are all i want to hold but i'm left with my broken angry heart weighing down my palms. there have been days i wish you understood the pain the rejection the loneliness. there have been days of prayer of contemplation of watching the fire in warm darkness your tears falling into my eyes microscopic dots on this ocean of sorrow we float on. there have been days that the land was sea and the sea was land where drowning made sense and up was down. there have been days when i wished for eternity for nothing and then both.
writing done at three am is not from your head but your heart and soul.