The bombs fall over Kiev. Silence! Snow ashes. Uncomfortable muzzle as it Settles on Moscow.
The bombs fall over Kiev.
Clanking, chewing the fat. Bumbling Boris huffs and puffs As he fingers his ear and fumbles His pants out of his mouth crack.
The bombs fall over Kiev.
Babies cry, smothered by fear. Old Joe struggles to forsake his afternoon nap, While old “Mac” Donald continues to quack and be a quack. Fittingly synonymous with a sharp burst of wind.
The bombs fall over Kiev.
And yet the skies are silent. The West whip out their dic-Boom-Boom-tionaries And stumble and grumble over the worth of human life. They danced this dance quite recently, But there’s always room for cha-cha-cha And grinding out a lower price. The clock ticks louder – BOOM, BOOM BOOM, But only for the powerless.
And the bombs fall over Kiev.
Pow! Bang! Bang! That small, old man In his big red house plays with his toy soldiers, And his toy towns, And doesn’t half throw it all out of the pram. Butlers and maids scramble To make sense of the nonsense And the egg on their faces just for you. Incoherent ramblings of a paltry rich fool. And yet that’s the sound of the world flying by, The sound of the world’s greatest tool: The grasping hands of paltry rich fools.
And the bombs fall over Kiev. And Palestine. And Yemen. And the dinosaurs still make a mean cocktail. And it’s all so ****** predictable.
Exasperated gasps… The rest of us just look goggle-eyed, And hashtag flags, and thoughts and prayers, And throw our paltry money wondering when It all became so helpless, and why We still pay for the merry-go-round When it’s so completely broken. We scramble to put back our fallen teeth And kick our brothers to the curb for shelter Under a wet, cardboard box – (If you fold it over it provides more cover from the rain, But the benefit of boxes, of course, Is that they can completely fit over your head. The noise is easier to drown out in the dark.)
And the bombs still fall over Kiev. In broken hospitals and apartment blocks And schools and churches Hearts thunder, And brave Ukrainians hear the noise And the silence.