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Mar 2022
Hold me closer tiny dancer.
Not too close!
I am liquid nitrogen on fire.

I’m still learning how to breathe
my own fumes.
High on my own supply.

Long aqua hairs
floating around in my favorite
swimming pool, sage green sheets.

Carnations dipped in her tender
could cut glass with precision.
Shattering what used to be my truth.

Her entire body under one of my arms,
I am weightless, and I weigh a ton.
She still carries me home.

Small moments like strings on a guitar.
I’ll sing to her, my worst damage has already been done.

Didn’t the tortoise win anyway?
Infatuation ****** the hare and left before sunrise.

Two bodies beaming
in the darkness.
Trying to make light.

She wants to air out my ***** laundry,
scrub the dishes,
cut tiny holes in my heart.

The best medicine
bursts in, unexpected,
Be mindful of addiction.
I’m not ready, and that’s okay.
Devon Lane
Written by
Devon Lane  23/F/Philadelphia
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