We ******* did it kiddo. After all the tears and breakdowns we ******* did it.
Sure we don't have everything we dreamed of. We're not rich We're not famous We're not married We're not a gallery artist But we're the best thing that's ever happened to so many people. And the best we've ever felt about ourself.
But, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i don't remember how you feel. I'm sorry can't feel that pain anymore. I'm sorry that if we met i couldn't empathize with your pain. I'm sorry that when i look in the mirror i see........him.
We didn't really "beat" that demon, we assimilated him. We still see those lovely eyes in the mirror. We still hear Baphy whispering to us. We still fall away from reality into that dreamworld We still can't bear the thought of being forgotten.
But we've come so far.... We didn't give up. We didn't wait for someone to save us. We gave up on the world and save ourself
We were destined for pain. And destined to overcome. We were destined for possession. And destined to flip it on him. We were destined to be destroyed. And destined to be reborn a destroyer.
I haven't wrote a poem in 5 years. I just wanted to tell my past self that the pain isn't permanent.