I saw the first leaf of Autumn and couldn't help but think... Is a tree grateful for its leaves when its got 'em? Does a tree miss its leaf when it falls? Does cry when when it calls "that one, that one there was my favorite."? Does it slouch, staring at the ground, heart breaking with each pound? Does it count them as they fall? Does it even miss them at all? Does it say 45...46...47... I know if I were a tree... my leaves would be a taste of heaven Sweet shade in the blistering heat Such colors, I would be so neat I would hold you tight pushing away any fright of... The Fall I would never let you leave, never let you be shaken My sweet leaf, you are mistaken if you think that you don't matter Without you this tree would not clatter What is a tree without its splendor, what is a branch if it has no grandeur If you my leaf should you fall, then I would stand here nothing more than a beaten... tired rag doll If you are gone then my branches, my trunk would be in a orchard of loneliness...sunk.
This poem was stemmed from two unrelated occurrences; a leaf slowly falling from a tree to the ground and from a friend who doubts her value.