in a thicket of white robes, grape jelly &electrodes; i hid carefully an a typical circular sanity anti psychotic. it tasted industrial in that space between my gums, it bled a fertile crescent out of the sock in which i left it.
underneath her floral robe, wild black hair &pointe;; nose she hid playfully a plot of bones laced up & showed me the secret at sunrise. it looked so familiar in the gently rising fire, it turned a prison into a hemlock forest, it gave a new meaning to the empty term "wing".
in my life there have been many mothers, but this one had a smile of pure patchouli & this one shook my cot until i was awake.
in her life there had been many storms, and the day she surrendered her lips to the water a fisherman hooked her & untangled her bones.
they say i'm supposed to smell old memories, but a decade later i most clearly hear her singing.
they say light is a particle & sometimes it is a wave, &when; it is which depends on where your boat is floating. &tha;; time i was a fish with a hook through my eye i kept swimming downward to salvage my life.
i was afraid of brightness drilling holes in the surface, afraid of the dark spots under the corals, and the whole time i struggled to breathe in the water, she patiently reeled me into the moonlight.