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Sep 2013
how prevalent and real the problems are
that we often on see on the reel.
there's a reason why movies are made
pure entertainment of course
but others are a source
an insight
made to bring to light
what often evades our sight
we best take heed
because when people look back on what we did
when the future looks back to the past
they will see that some lived
and some died
and few fought
and the few that did
they won something that could never be bought.

and you better believe that every muscle
every bone
in this man's body
will have felt what it means to fight
to struggle
to fail
to fall
to endure
and to crawl
until the skin on his knees
and the skin on his hands
have merged with the dirt
to the point where he will be forced to stand again.
to fight some more.
fight to change the course of history
for the better
even if he is not to be remembered
for the fight is not for glory
but for right.
for truth.

for light.

so it's up to you
what you're going to fight for.
or what you're going to continue
to ignore.
Jefferey Aaron Wade Williams
Written by
Jefferey Aaron Wade Williams  Edmonton
   Diane, apathy, Plain Jane Glory, --- and ---
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