The door stood open,
I closed my eyes, hoping,
what was out there, "Stay",
right where it was, at bay.
I raised my rod from my side,
pointed at the threshold, decided,
I would battle if it came through,
the open space, vulnerable, I knew.
I could not close the door, for fear...
At the foot of the sill the blackness lapped,
like tasting blood, shaking, I was trapped,
metal sill became black as it began to spill,
into the house black touching the tiles, I felt ill.
A scream shook my house, and a sword pierced
the blackness, slicing, chopping then forced,
into the house, inside the frame, Daniel Day Lewis,
stepped in from out, spinning in black riding boots.
It was only then, I knew it was a dream.
He only picks his movie rolls,carefully.
Dreams that you only catch a glimpse of while, you are yet in them too.