There is a difference between personhood and behavior that the vast majority of humanity still does not realize.
Personhood is sacred, inviolate. Every human being who has ever been, is, and will ever be, is sacred at her/his core.
Behavior, on the other hand, which is too often hurtful, if not much worse, is the consequence of the pernicious lack of both awareness of her/his sacredness, and concomitantly, her/his failure to assimilate it into their being.
Only love can nurture the realization of personhood. And because so many human beings are never loved enough, if at all, they are left only with their behavior that, all too often, manifests itself in myriad nefarious ways: slavery, bigotry, racism, torture, killing, war, and, in its own way, the worst: global inequality, which should be called iniquity.
To achieve Peace on Earth forever, all must come first to the realization of the difference between personhood and behavior, then find ways to ensure all human beings are loved and loved and loved.