Day one, surrounded by family members who tested positive for COVID. Day two, read an article the mentally ill being at high risk and freaking out then read an article about vitamin D deficiency which freaked me out even more. Went to the grocery store and bought vitamin D3. Calmed down a little. Day three, fatigued and had an headache. Took a nap then started sneezing a lot. My mom got worried about me because she tested positive for COVID. Day four, I developed a sore throat and everything seemed louder than normal. I tested positive for COVID. I called my boss and told her I couldn't work tomorrow. Day five, I started coughing and my lungs felt like someone scooped my insides with a spoon vigorously. Day six, all of my muscles were aching and my nose was running. Day seven, I never got a temperature just my body tempt going up and down basically shivering to overheating. Day eight, headache gone and muscle aches gone. Started breathing better. Day nine, took a nap and felt a little better. I feel better my nose is running less each day and coughing hurts less. I am not contagious anymore.