This is a letter to you we were young you were in love I was naive I still wish you the best.
This is a letter to you You are nothing but a fictional character in a book - scripted and made up. My mind has played tricks with my heart. Although I've learned my lesson I was infatuated - I still am.
This is a letter to you I don't want to forget - but I can already feel the fading. I once heard that someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you've never seen. They'll look at you like you're everything they've been looking for their entire lives. So please tell me please let me know what happened. You're probably already beginning to forget the insignificant moments that will continue to haunt me.
This is a letter to you Time is a humorous and fearful thing. I suppose history does repeat itself in ways I didn't think would occur. Just for the record I still have hope. I guess I'll always find myself standing at your door again.