i close my eyes as the song comes on the one about the boy trying to skip rocks on the ocean and i can see myself years from now taking a little hand warmly in mine and leading them down that old, worn out dock to our old spot between 10th and the shore. i'd show those little eyes the very spot i fell in love with you that unseasonably warm November day. i'll show them the date carved in stone. our proof for the ages that no matter what happened to us we really did happen. i'll tell those little ears about the magical once in a lifetime sunset that took my breath away and took us to a whole other world a whole lot better than this one. i'll tell them our story. the long complicated tale about best friends, a lovely blonde haired blue-eyed boy, and my insignificant self. i'll mention how we saved one another from ourselves and how we fell in love during late night talks but never admitted it. i'll tell them the story of us. i just really hope i get to give a happy ending.