Hottest Summer turned to the coldest Winter Drinking all this liquor, it keep me burning ruining my liver Oh I can’t sleep Hell is loving you in my sleep and waking up alone I met you in my dreams Stories were untold Told me We were going to have better days Oh how much I love sleep Oh how much I can’t sleep Can’t accept that you only exist when my eyes closed Time ran fast when my eyes closed Thought we were close I would wait for you You never showed After that heated argument You never showed Now I have no one to hold me while I sleep Now I hate sleep So tired I lost track of time Time ran slow without you Parts of me feels like I can’t do this without you So many letters I lost track of that too Days ahead still not over you I want to continue dreaming I want to Dream forevermore & now I drown my body in caffeine Trying not to dream Knowing that the farther I am The weight becomes light And I can breathe again Blurred vision with tears blinding me Ever felt heavy heart Ever felt distorted thoughts ruining you Tearing you apart Knowing you kept me whole Connection bond through body & soul