Most people declare Some New Year's resolution, But after just about five weeks They experience New Year's dissolution, Their resolve fizzles out Their intentions migrate to another nation, Let's rewind the narrative I propose a New Year's recommendation.
Taking into account The party excitement of January one, You will promise yourself almost anything To have a couple more hours of fun, But with the hangover that comes next day You may feel a sense of degradation, So far your resolutions are in the trash can What you need is a New Year's recommendation.
Recommendations allow for some wiggle room Instead of being ****** for what you do or what you don't, When choosing the lesser of two evils You can opt for the lesser instead of the one that you won't, In the world of N-Y resolutions You may feel cursed when you blow it the first time, Whereas with New Year's recommendations You realize you haven't committed a crime,
I hope to start a new trend Where we stop beating ourselves up, When we make a couple of egregious mistakes But that is just the half-filled cup, Leaving room for the better intentions That are bound to return sometime next week, When your New Yearβs Recommendations Are discovered at that hot new boutique.