standing within the thick warm fabric in the bleak midwinter breeze.. no chill biting my bones this time.. the fever is settling within my violet veins.. i stare off into the distance, looking at nothing in particular.. windchimes twinkling in the distance, to the left and never heard again.. i close my eyes and let them rest a second.. i breathe in and exhale with parted lips.. hoping that when i open my eyes, this will be only a bad dream.. but the ache still lives within every corner and crevice within my beating heart.. an airplane crosses overhead, blinking red and orange.. i thought it was a lantern, the kind i wanted to release into the painted sky with you.. the lamp post shining a little too brightly, the way it had once shown onto your moonlit face when you were still with me.. when will you stop hating me?.. i ask myself every day you look away but still tell me i'm yours.. what do you feel when you see me?.. surely it couldn't be the same things i do when i see you.. i pretent you read these.. i pretend you know when i'm there.. i pretend you love me.. i pretend it doesn't still hurt.. i pretend you still stare.. when will this be over?.. i can't wait.. whether it'll be an ending or just the beginning, i can't wait to know the truth.. for now i dance by myself.. for now i sing to no one.. for now i write to anyone who will listen.. for now i walk the same paths without you by my side to explore them.. for now i sigh with no one to feel them.. for now i cry with no one to hear it.. for now i live without you, and i'll just have to bear it..