If we ever fall in love Let's never tell the world The world tends to destroy beautiful things So let it be our little secret
If we ever fall in love, let's always keeps our promises I have broken way too many promises like cookies, to know that's how relationships crumble
If we ever fall in love, let it be everyday I want to learn to love you in new ways with new days
If we ever fall in love, let's never be scared I know love is a fall of trust and I don't want to fear falling I know I will be held
If we ever fall in love, let's always sleep our problems away The only thing we should always take to bed should be each other, nothing else
If we fall in love, let's cry together I know we'll always laugh together and dance together, but tears are just fears waiting to be dissolved
If we ever fall in love, we may never fall in love But if we ever do, love me with all your heart. And if you have to, if you absolutely have to-you can break my heart