Engines roar and wind howls The smell of exhaust fills the space Here stand, weighted down, with clenched bowels The line moves forward at a dizzying pace I make eye contact with JM and hand him my line I pivot and jump and for a moment I'm flying All I see is blue sky, my feet feet point at the horizon
One thousand, two thousand, three thous.....ahhh!
The chute opens with a thundering snap Check the risers, check the canopy, watch the plane fly away Look down at the world, spread out below like a map Taste the air, feel the wind, get control of my sway Undo the ties holding the weapon case on my side Give a whoop! No, be quiet Professional pride
Look at how the sun reflects off the stream below me in the woods and turns it into a molten golden serpent.
Right now, if someone saw my eyes tear up I'd blame it on the wind Oh, how long until I can do this again?