There are some things in life that are hard to get over Take, for example, biting your nails or the irresistible urge to pick at scabs. Another thing, is a type of person, the type of person we all have in our lives, at some time or point in our timelines. They start out great, funny, kind the perfect friend that lights up the world. Time passes and you become closer with this golden friend, and you notice that when you look at them, it's different. Palms sweaty, heart clenching, and you can't seem to stop looking at them. And it's the worst thing because now everything is ruined. How can you stand it, being around this person, if all you can do is admire them? You can't. But you soldier on because it is so hard to just let that feeling go. And day after day you think you see them falling for you too, but you'll never be sure and you can never get your hopes up. But you just can't quit them. No matter how hard you try, they will not go away, but really you don't want them to. Years go by and they are still settling into your brain, burrowing deeper and deeper. Until you love them, Until they love you or they leave you. How do you break a habit like that person? How do you remove the tumor that they are from yourself? How do you stop wanting to be with that person always? Is it even possible, to manage their disease if the cure is so impossibly close and far away? So far... I haven't found a way.