Who am I. What am I. Where am I. Why am I here. What is this. What is that. What the ****. Darkness. Black. Unknown. Otherworldly. A desolate island of personality surrounded by a vast sea of conversation and tradition and authenticity but mostly imitation and deceit and insincerity and trickery and ******* and **** this and hold on I’m not finished and who ******* cares you’re nobody. Why would I tell you about myself when tomorrow you’ll be sleeping with a person who forgets your name but has a car and a house and a washing machine for nice clothes and a driveway that leads to a nice garage with a doorway to a big backyard with a fence and two dogs and a tree with a swing. Who’s to say tomorrow I won’t get hit by a bus or miss a step at the library or forget to wake up or win the lottery or spend my last cent. Who says next Thursday I won’t run into you turning the corner on the jog I never take and you fall and I laugh because I’m ****** up and you cry and I say stop because my mother cried and you stop and I forget to apologize for knocking you down but you know that I meant to and we don’t say another word but we look at each other and suddenly I know who I am & where we are & why I’m here & what I am going to do & you tell me your name but I already know.