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Aug 2013
I cant believe im here again
I thought i left it in the past
But a mask cant be worn forever
Biting my tongue in jelousy
Bringing out my frustration into anger
On the people who dont deserve it
Im sorry
I guess the only thing wanted was what i couldnt get
That special "something" you had
Why can't i have it
Maybe im not ready nor mature enough for it
So i attempt to find my someone and instead i found lies
And the worse part is i lied to myself for 7 months straight and didnt notice till the end
So again here i am biting my tongue in jelousy
And wishing i have what you had
Anger against "your type" because i wish i was them
"****** *******!" and isulting the weak that you like
has made me the same im nothing but mentally weak
All i ask for is unconditional love from both ends
Too bad i only found it for one
I truely feel sorry for her
And i congradulate anyone who wins your heart      For i envy him
Here i am letting my tongue free of jelousy
Im sorry this poem didnt rhyme
But right now i dont believe i have the stregth to do so

Written by
Justin  Hell
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