When the night bled, little streams of silver light trickled down my hair and beard and despite my inferiority I glowed an ethereal glow.
When I roamed the Earth my gait heavy with guilt, my head glowed like a bobbing ball through the dark labyrinths of sleeping groves.
A swarm of termites followed me all the way to the grotto of silence by the lotus lake where I sat lost still silent.
And they salved me and covered my wounds cocooning me within their mound that smelt of the Earth and my tears and I sat there lost still silent. for eons.
Until that morning when a monstrous twang pierced my heart and brought the Sarus crane down writhing in agony while his mate wailed. and I cursed the hunter to his own eternal hell of regret.
When the crane died words were born in metre and rhyme and I emerged from my earthen mound of silence, singing.