It was on the fourth night of May When all of these started I saw your lovely face, so calm and tan Everything followed perfectly fine
Days passed and sweet moments shared In spite of the troubles faced For the first time, I believed in true happiness I felt it with you and each hour it grew
Short lived was the magical thing A couple of days quickly went Everything changed, even you did Those words you said had a natural death
No one should be blamed It’s the situation that called us to fall apart We don’t have the same Faith Yet blessed we are for we knew this not late
I could not deny the fact That every night I still imagine of you and us What could be our fate if we have This in common Then marrying you would be my first decision
Tears dampen my pillow as I pray each night That one day, our story would have its chance No more anxieties and trials to be endured Only you and me, God grant me this plight!
Wishing and praying, I can only do My heart says that I should fight The situation is against us Struggling against it now is seemingly futile.
I still don’t want to admit That this was for just a summer romance Afraid I am that time may prove that this is indeed But I want to believe that one day, our paths may again meet.