The first time my brother danced- really danced, more than just a faint nodding of head or an amusement for laughing friends, it was beautiful- a moment felt only once.
He felt that bewildering tinge of awe when you let go of yourself for just a moment, just enough to allow that first shaky step, then the next.
He started out stiffly, moved from side to side with blushing cheek, stared at the cool linoleum.
Then music became more than merely words.
I wonder if it was like the first time I ever wrote a poem- you know, really wrote a poem- screamed myself onto paper in a puddle of mangled emotion- words became more than merely letters.
I stared at them, shocked by this extension of myself staring back in black ink.
He seemed just as shocked by the sweat on his forehead and the smile on his lips.
He stared at the floor, scuffed with the beauty of his first real movement to music.