They say the first ones to pick you up Are the ones who know how it feels to fall down I disagree I think it's the help that drives them To fall down leaves you alone Bitter Broken Sinking Into the never ending sand Might I add quick? Of people each with their own purpose, energy But you without yours Do we not merely float, in an attempt to not sink Or maybe we balance Ah, yes! It must be a matter of balance Far greater people can swim than tightrope Maybe we fall from a height so high That oh how we ever long to die True? Not for myself at least I never fell (Gasp from reader) I was born fallen I rose Did you? We overcome circumstances because circumstances overcame us To be left down, crushed and sunk Can you help someone up? My point it this If you couled even say I have one It's more of a commonality among words People pick you up because they've been picked up Not because they fell