Fighting the urge to give up. Screaming out of fear and anger. heart beating faster than normal. Trying to hold all the pieces together. Losing control of my emotions. Needing to take a step back. Thoughts are racing through my head. Feeling cold shoulders everywhere I turn. Wasting valuable time doing nothing. Not pushing myself harder. Climbing to get on top. Feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. Not seeing what's right in front of me. Learning seems to be getting harder to do. Things are not what they seem to be. Trusting is getting harder to do. Feeling like every step I make is wrong. Pushing away from the right kind of help. Feeling like I'm falling down a deep dark hole. Losing sight of reality. people coming at me from ever
But at the end of each day, things tend to become better just because I'm taking a deep breath and standing still. Not rush, and listening to myself and what I want out of life.
stressing out is what a lot of people seem to be doing. sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and just standstill. listen to what you want and not what everyone else wants.