different side of the sun walking toward noon rises set to driving before night betting the prior hours away
changing minds amateur detour to mature tours all I once promised to myself I wouldn't flip, but time limits inhibits our poker face before you know it your all in
compare a year's days of eight hours, I actually miss juggling the jungle of working the vines, and finding solace under the shade of night with new acquaintances ever different, my eyes ever blinking, linking to a new soul, and not limited to roaming like an unfinished ghoul
the business of a bottle neck effect, i'm looking to "evolve" filling the palindrome and adapt as I always do as we always eventually find a means to
i'm seeking my calm with music in alms to other's palms so my hands, and my ears through headphones become calls to my mind as the alarm clocks in again good morning - to the mirror your good to go again