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Aug 2013
Every bone feels like it's breaking at once.
My throat is raw from screaming and
my eyes are sore from the tears.

These are the signs of someone
who is weak beyond measure.

Beaten into believing that nobody
will ever love me, especially not an
alcoholic father or a sadistic mother.

Told I will never amount to anything
more than a pathetic waste of space,
that I'm lucky to even have two parents,
though they aren't as fortunate to have me.

A bruise from you turned into a nasty
play in soccer, scratches on my arms were
that **** girl that didn't clip her nails.

But nobody asked about how I ached
every time I took a breath, when last
night came rushing back but I couldn't
say anything because my lips were
locked together with fear.

It's okay though, I'm better now.
Written by
Annie  California
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