Though rich of me to even group my pitiful expression with that of 'writing', whatever I have thrown down on pages over the years must have had some purpose, some reason for existing, but having stopped writing for some time the reasons for my words have disappeared and I sit trying to throw my head at a piece of paper and everything that comes out ends up right in the waste basket.
Where it belongs.
But nonetheless it seems unnatural to give up, to think rather than do, as anyone who has the urge to write must do so because there are just some thoughts that are better off not left inside, some thoughts that look better written down, thoughts that one feels have to be read.
Whatever they are.
Though perhaps not knowing why is the drive, the push, the emptiness or the fullness of your soul that begs to be dribbled down your chin into a bubbly little mess of verse, prettied up with similes and metaphors and stupid run-on sentences, perhaps it is a 'somebody' that a writer writes for, a lover or a friend or simply just a stranger.
Who it is probably doesn't matter.
Why a writer writes I will never know but thankfully I will never be a writer or at the very least think of myself as one so any of my baseless assumptions will just meander on this ugly page until it catches the eye of somebody, because I have a somebody, a somebody who I have written for, but I do not write simply for her because writing is a selfish act and writing 'for' somebody rather than 'to' them feels insipid and contrary.
Whichever way you look at it.
Most of all an unwriter does not write so much as spew, hence the occasional bouts of 'wisdom' that pepper my confusion may alter one's perspective about how truly awful a writer I am, because I do not write to learn, I do not write to express, and I most certainly do not write because I can, I write to write and I write just so somebody can read.