Welcome to 5:15am And I'm so calm And so prepared Having changed into pajamas Out of pajamas And into a sweater That I wear too often Made for men; Or made for me.
And despite the summer Despite the desert Outside is a cold black Misleading Considering the thermometer Reading a cozy 80
Because here, the night coddles you Like a blanket And wraps you in something Anything it can find And during this hot rainy season Something sticks to your clothes To the cuticles of your hair And you smell like whatever the day Brought to you.
Welcome to 5:21am And you haven't been outside yet But you've changed into pajamas That don't terribly embarrass you. And when you finally go outside,, You'll be getting out of a car And walking into a hospital Maybe legs shaking (I don't know, You haven't been there yet.) And you try to calmly wait While people you don't know Stick you with things One of which will knock you out And you wake up with Cuts in your body From taking out the sickness That's real this time And tangible And actually comes from your gut And actually makes you Look yourself in the eye And *****.
It's 5:26am And the pain is starting again And the ambivalence of today Hangs on my hair And my clothes Until they put me under And I really have no option.