I knew that drinking was wrong. The Dad told it. The Mum told it. The Doctor told it. ******* everyone I knew told it. And still I gave it a try. To try to fix things up for me. To try to fake love better than everyone arround did. I walked miles with ***** on my veins. No one saw me and I saw no one. I ignored their sins as long as they left me alone. I kept their dreams alive as long as they didn't try to sell me any. ******* *******. They Dont know what their missing. Jailed in their ******* little pointless lifes. I sit on the steps of the entry of an old apartment. I take my video camera out. Pretend it's a pistol. And I sho(o)t them all. Later I will put the clips up to some classic Nocturne and I'll hang myself again in ***** and morphine. Try to forget what Dad told. What Mum Told. What the Doctor told. Once Again.